友だち追加 OKITOUR客戶中心 由於來電量大,無法及時接聽,請通過聊天或LINE聯繫我們。

問題/回答 公告欄

JP Rental Car傾聽顧客之聲。收到顧客消息後會以最快速度做出應答。

編輯者 : 楊寀岑

오키투어 KWON
2024年 7月 27日 11:11:14

Hi, this is oki tour.

We apologize, but we are unable to find your reservation.
The rental car service where staff can speak Chinese is King Car Rent-A-Car.
The pickup location depends on which rental car company you are using, so we are providing a link to our website where you can find the relevant information. Please refer to it.


Thank you.

日期 : 2024年 7月 27日 09:16:13